DDRC employees after finishing up training on how to use the new mobile lift.
Back in October, the DDRC was nominated for the “Investing in Hope” grant worth $10,000 from the CREB (Calgary Real Estate Board) Charitable Foundation. We were nominated by Calgary realtor Simon Maara, who previously worked for the DDRC as a Community Resource Worker. Only local real estate agents who were CREB members could vote on who would receive the grant, and by the time voting closed, we were first in our category!
We are thrilled to announce that we have used our grant to purchase a new mobile lift system for the accessible washroom on the first floor of our office. This lift will help ensure safety, dignity, and privacy for all DDRC clients.
Can you believe it? The DDRC is turning 65 this year! Founded in 1952, we have undergone many changes and have loads of stories to tell.
That’s where YOU come in! Do you have a story to share about the DDRC? Have you previously been involved with the DDRC? Maybe you worked here years ago, or you know a client who went to Christine Meikle School or Emily Follensbee School in the past. Maybe you came to our first ever Stampede Breakfast, or volunteered awhile back.
Whatever your story is, we want to hear it! Send us an email at [email protected] to tell us about your favourite memory, a random fact, a story, or to share a photo related to the DDRC.
During the last week of October, clients and employees worked scarily hard to decorate doors in the building for Halloween! We were also thrilled to have a number of people around the office dress up for the day!
Take a look at some of this year’s best doors and costumes, if you dare:
An “a-door-able” door.
Ghosts and ghouls!
The roof of this haunted house was just the right slope for skiing.
A cowbow and painter Frida Kahlo.
McFly, the Punny Positive Behaviour Supports Spider.
The DDRC has partnered with Bow Valley College to introduce a computer literacy course to the our clients this fall, and we were thrilled to host a launch celebration in September!
The 12-week course focuses on supporting clients with relevant goals, such as finding community employment. Three Community Resource Workers from the PACE team act as facilitators, making sure learners are comfortable with the concepts taught by a Bow Valley College instructor.
Topics covered include basic computer functions, using the Internet, digital literacy, online safety, and commonly used computer programs. Learners are also shown how computer skills can help them with employment – searching for a job, writing a cover letter and résumé, applying for a job by email, and more.
Bow Valley College’s Bernice Gowan believes that clients will benefit from being part of an organization that is “literacy friendly.”
“Literacy is about belonging. It’s important at home, at work, and in the community,” Gowan said.
CEO Helen Cowie and Bow Valley College employees listen to Keith Seel (Dean of the Centre for Excellence in Foundational Learning).
DDRC employees learn more about the new course.
Delicious cupcakes sporting DDRC and BVC logos for the celebration.
DDRC facilitators Ryan and Andrea, and BVC’s Bernice Gowan celebrate the launch with sparkling apple juice.
Stage two of our renovations has been completed, and we’re on our way to the final stage! Everyone was thrilled at the chance to see our brand new kitchen and washrooms on the first floor! Here are some highlights from the big reveal, as well as what some people had to say about the updated space:
“I like the new computers and the bathroom and the whole kitchen area. It’s nice! To me, it feels homey.”
– Darby, PACE client
“It is an amazing change. It’s beautiful. They really, really thought about the clients with this, and it’s very appreciated. The washrooms are stunning. There’s open space, more light… it’s just really nice.”
– Janeth, South Team CRW
“Wow! It’s amazing. It’s really nicely done. It looks so neat.”
– Michelle, South Team client
“I really love the new kitchen. I think it’s a great improvement. It’s a very open and bright look.”
– Maranda, PACE CRW
As of today, we have received generous donations from 122 individuals, bringing us to a total of $21,591 raised for the DDRC’s new Ability Fund during our 2015-2016 winter fundraising campaign. That means we’re only $3,409 from reaching our goal of $25,000! Thank you to everyone who has helped support this campaign.
The Ability Fund is a resource for our clients that will remove financial barriers to greater community inclusion. We believe that inclusion is an important factor in improving the quality of life for adults with developmental disabilities, and strengthens our community as a whole.
If you’d like to learn more about the Ability Fund, watch our video or visit our website. Interested in supporting the Ability Fund? You can make a donation here.