New Ability Fund Increases Community Involvement

The DDRC’s 2015 Winter Fundraising Campaign has come to a close, and we are proud to announce that together, 127 donors were able to raise $22,483 for the Ability Fund. This new initiative helps to remove financial barriers and promotes community participation for our clients in a variety of ways.

The Ability Fund supports DDRC clients by covering the cost of joining a new club, attending a conference, taking a course, purchasing supplies, transportation expenses, or participating in a community activity.

We have already successfully used the Ability Fund to get our clients involved in the community. Thanks to our generous donors, nine DDRC clients were able to attend a workshop on greener living. Our clients learned how to reduce waste, and had discussions about the importance of reusing and the meaning of social responsibility.

Picture This...Film FestivalWe were also able to purchase a block of tickets for DDRC clients to attend the Picture This…Film Festival (PTFF). This festival showcases films that are about disability as well as films that were produced, directed or written by people with disabilities. With over 43 films of various lengths and topics, there is something for everyone.

The PTFF is held at Calgary SCOPE Society and runs from March 16 to 18, 2016.  More information about the festival and tickets for this year’s screenings can be found at


Join Team DDRC at the Calgary Marathon!

albumPhotoIt’s that time of year again. The DDRC is pleased to say that we will be participating in the Scotiabank Calgary Marathon for the fourth year in a row!

We would love it if you joined Team DDRC this year! There are race distances for every fitness level, ranging from a 5 km walk all the way up to a 50 km run. If walking or running isn’t your thing, there are other ways you can join – you can come down to the Stampede grounds on May 29th to cheer everyone on, or you can support us with a financial donation.

Interested in joining Team DDRC by signing up for a race? Here’s how:

  1. albumPhoto2Visit and click the “register” button on the top right hand corner of the home page.
  2. Scroll down until you reach the “” heading. Click the highlighted “here” link.
  3. Select the race distance you would like to participate in and click “register now.”
  4. Enter your personal information and click the check box to accept the waiver.
  5. Enter your payment information at the bottom of the page and click “submit order.”

That’s all there is to it. We can’t wait to see you at the starting line on May 29th!

We’re Almost There!

untitledAs of today, we have received generous donations from 122 individuals, bringing us to a total of $21,591 raised for the DDRC’s new Ability Fund during our 2015-2016 winter fundraising campaign. That means we’re only $3,409 from reaching our goal of $25,000! Thank you to everyone who has helped support this campaign.

The Ability Fund is a resource for our clients that will remove financial barriers to greater community inclusion. We believe that inclusion is an important factor in improving the quality of life for adults with developmental disabilities, and strengthens our community as a whole.

If you’d like to learn more about the Ability Fund, watch our video or visit our website. Interested in supporting the Ability Fund? You can make a donation here.

Winter Fundraising Update


Our 2015 winter fundraising campaign is off to a great start! Thank you to our 87 donors who have helped us to raise $12,231 of our $25,000 goal. We’re almost halfway there!

All of the funds raised in our 2015-2016 campaign will go towards the creation of the Ability Fund — a brand new resource for clients that will remove the financial roadblocks to greater community inclusion. Watch our video to learn more about this project, or visit our website to make a donation. Together, we can reach our goal of raising $25,000 and improving the quality of life of adults with developmental disabilities in Calgary!

Celebrating 35 Generous Years

21 Spring has sprung, which means registration is now open for our annual Vipond Earl Grey Charity Golf Classic! This year marks the tournament’s 35th anniversary of charitable support for the DDRC, and we are looking for golfers to make this fundraiser a hole-in-one success.

The Vipond Charity Golf Classic is one of the oldest charity golf tournaments in Canada. Our partnership with Earl Grey Golf Club began in 1981. Since then, the generosity of the Vipond Committee and many sponsors has resulted in more than $2-million for the DDRC. Tournament participants have helped fund current and past programs such as Learning and Leadership, the Augmentative and Alternative Communication Centre, Advanced Industries, Bow Catering, Bow Place, and many more.

The tournament will be held on June 15th at Earl Grey Golf Club, where DDRC clients and staff members will volunteer to help around the golf course. 14

Entry fees are $300 per person, or $1,100 per team of four. Registration includes lunch, green fees, golf cart rental, dinner, and a reception featuring a live auction.

If you’re not a golfer but would still like to contribute to this great fundraiser, you can become a sponsor or volunteer at the event. For more information, please email Austin Clem or call him at 403-240-7314.